is an open source web app that visualises the decisions of the Swiss
Federal Court 🇨🇭🏛. Every judgments is represented by a bubble, with the properties of the
bubbles reflecting information about the case. It was created at the Open Legal Lab 2024 and is provided
without any warranty. Our source code is on Github.
Bubbles appear in chronological order of the decision date, and their color indicates the case outcome: granted, partly granted, rejected, inadmissible, or written off. Bubble size represents the length of the judgment text. Bubble positioning reflects the area of law: Civil law judgments appear in the left third of the screen, public law in the middle, and criminal law on the right. Judgments that were published as leading cases (BGE) are identified with a golden border.
is a fun way to gain an understanding of the caseload that the Swiss
Federal Court is dealing with and conveys in a very broad sense information about the decisions
taken in a (dis-)aggregated from. It is also suitable for meditative practices.
scd-bubbles was created by
Florian: Creative Director
Jasper: JavaScript Wizard
Martin: JavaScript Virtuoso
Daniel: Head Lawyer
Jonas: Sound Designer
Lucile: Game Master
Mark: Pachinko Advisor
Caroline: Guest Appearance
scd-bubbles builds on the SCD Viewer, a Shiny webapp created at the Open Legal Lab 2023, and uses the data in the Swiss Federal Supreme Court Dataset (SCD) by Florian Geering and Jakob Merane, Zenodo 2023-2024, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7793043. We were also inspired by Listen to Wikipedia by Hatnote.
Our ♥-felt thanks go out to the people from Open Data and for organizing the Open Legal Lab in Magglingen, Coop Rechtsschutz for the delicious Egger Bier, all the other sponsors for their financial support, and all the fellow hackathonistas for their much appreciated interest and feedback.